Abuse, drugs and harassment: an undercover investigation of Shalom, the community of horrors

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Abuse, drugs and harassment: an undercover investigation of Shalom, the community of horrors

| martedì 06 Giu 2023 - 20:04

The Fanpage.it Backstair investigative unit went undercover in the Shalom community, a rehabilitation center run by nuns in the province of Brescia, Italy. Every year, the community hosts about 250 guests (including minors) with various problems including drug addiction, anorexia, behavioral disorders. We collected 13 different accounts of people who spent several years in this community at different times and said they were subjected to abuse and punishments of any kind. So, we went to verify firsthand with one of our journalists by spending several months inside the facility as volunteers. In that period we saw the method developed by the founder of this community, Sister Rosalina Ravasio, with measures combining prayer with baffling therapy methods.


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